Mental Skills

Mental Skills for Dog Agility Competitors: 

Dates: Wednesday 2nd, 9th, and 16th October 2024

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Platform: Zoom

Cost $150 per person 

Are you looking to elevate your performance in dog agility competitions? Join renowned leadership and mindset coach, Mark Wager, for a three-week mental skills workshop tailored specifically for dog agility competitors. Over three engaging sessions, you’ll learn how to develop a winning mindset, build confidence, and mentally prepare for competitions.

Week 1: Understanding a Winning Mindset

Wednesday, 2nd October

• What is a winning mindset?

• How the mind works and impacts performance.

Week 2: Confidence and Goal Setting

Wednesday, 9th October

• Managing self-doubt.

• Setting the right goals for success.

• The power of focus.

Week 3: Mental Preparation for Competition

Wednesday, 16th October

• Understanding visualisation for optimal performance.

• Overcoming setbacks.

• Staying present and managing emotions in the heat of competition.

Each session will provide practical strategies to help you perform at your best, no matter the challenge. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your full potential and gain a competitive edge.

Sign up now to secure your spot!

About the Facilitator:

Mark Wager is a renowned leadership and mindset coach with over 30 years of experience helping individuals and organisations achieve their highest potential. Based in Auckland, New Zealand, Mark is widely regarded as one of the world’s top leadership experts, with a proven track record of working with companies, leaders, and athletes to enhance their mental resilience and performance. He has worked with major brands across New Zealand and the Pacific region, contributed to business publications, and is a regular speaker at leadership events.

Mark is the author of several books, including Welcome to Leadership, Leadership Psychology 101, The Leadership Odyssey, and The Rugby Mindset. He combines his expertise in leadership psychology with practical tools for mental training, empowering his clients to overcome challenges, build confidence, and succeed in competitive environments. Whether coaching business leaders or athletes, Mark’s approach focuses on unlocking potential and driving success through mindset and purpose.

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