Unleash the dragon within
It's time to stop:
- Living an unfulfilled life
- Being content with just being "good"
- Having relationships that don't work
- Feeling like you have hit a ceiling in life
- Working for people who are not as smart as you are
- Lacking the belief, focus and discipline that you need in order to be great.
It's time to live the life that you want, its time for greatness, it's time for the Ronin Philosophy.
The Ronin Philosophy is a model for success. There are many men throughout history who have lived life by their own rules and achieved greatness and their lessons on life are available for us to learn from while understanding their successes and their failures.
The Ronin Philosophy is a series of hourly coaching sessions which utilises the life lessons from great men, such as the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi, psychologist Carl Jung and the military strategist Sun Tzu. The Ronin Philosophy combines these lessons with modern leadership psychology theory in order to produce a proven model for success.
The Ronin Philosophy will show you how to define your vision, how to design a strategy that works and develop a series of daily habits that will make you successful beyond your dreams.
With the Ronn Philosophy you will learn:
- The theory of human behaviour
- The secrets of influence
- How to improve mental performance
- Become more confident and focussed
This is not Life Coaching. This is about giving you practical techniques and strategies to succeed both professionally and personally.
"Once you understand the way broadly, you will see it in all things" - Miyamoyo Musashi

My name is Mark Wager, I'm one of the world's top leadership experts and I know that the Ronin Philosophy works because it's given me a lifestyle that many people could only dream of. I designed this programme because I want you to fulfil your potential.
I've worked with people from all walks of life. I've worked with CEO's, Ambassadors, restauranteurs, community leaders, diplomats, hairdressers, sportsmen, architects, authors and civil servants.
I work with a small handful of clients at a time to ensure you are getting my full attention and awareness. To find out more, book a FREE twenty minute strategy session with me. Together we will design an action plan that contains the goals and metrics that success requires.