How To Manage Change Within Your Organisation by Mark Wager

How To Manage Change Within Your Organisation by Mark Wager

How To Manage Change Within Your Organisation 

By Mark Wager

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said “The only constant in life is change.” In business if you are not moving forward then you re moving behind. The business world is constantly changing with migration making retaining top employees more challenging, the current economic environment means that most of us have to achieve more with less resources and with each new generation that enters the workplace they bring a different set of , all of this requires evolution and a commitment to change which is difficult considering how busy everyone is, managing change in todays environment is like trying to make improvements to an airplane while it’s still in the air!

So what would be the correct way to lead an organisation through times of change? Well this is a complicated answer which is why companies contract people like me to train their leaders to manage change but I can share with you the guiding principles every Leader needs to know which is the four key ingredients of successful organisational change.


The first ingredient for change is one that I’ve seen Leaders overlook and it’s a big mistake to do so. To successfully Implement change the first thing you need to do is to explain why the change is required. I know when a Leader does this there tends to be a tendency to focus on the positives  on how life will be better which is good but it’s not great. The key is for everyone to accept that change is not just desirable but is absolutely necessary and this can only be achieved by stressing the negatives of what happens if change doesn’t happen. This may not seem natural for some leaders but the reality is people need to know the truth even if that truth is undesirable. If the truth is that the business will close if you don’t change then don’t hide from it instead be open and explain what is truly at stake, people will respect you and accept that change is necessary.


The next ingredient is vision. Once people have accepted that change is necessary then they need to know that their Leader has a vision. You will need to provide people with a picture of how the change will be managed including the timeframe, who will be affected and in what way they will be affected and how people can make their voices heard during the process. The Leader will also need to explain who will be making the important decisions and the criteria on which those decisions will be made .The biggest concern people have with change is the uncertainty that change brings so the more the leader can lay out a roadmap then the more comfortable people will feel during this process.


No matter how well you detailed your plan, there will always be unexpected obstacles and to overcome these the Leader will require the next ingredient of change which is courage. Successful change requires difficult decisions and difficult decisions requires courageous conversations. It may be you find yourself in a position that you have to decide that some people are no longer required, you have to decide who leaves and tell them that their employees may no longer be required. It’s important that you don’t shy away from your responsibility as a Leader. Do not delegate these conversations it has to be you, people need to see you leading because how a  Leader navigates change impacts how people view that leader afterwards.


Once people have a reason to change they need a reason to try, because none of the ingredients will work without the final one which is hope. Successful change doesn’t happen when people agree it happens when people believe. Napoleon once said that “A Leader is a dealer in hope” and in relation to change hope is the main responsibility of the Leader. You need to be able to demonstrate to people that they can trust in your knowledge and ability to guide the organisation through change, make sure you are the main source of information and that all Leaders within the organisation are saying the same message. You need to be visible as well as available during this time so if some people are unhappy then you need to be in front of those people addressing their concerns. You can’t allow their negativity to spread through the organisation and above all make sure you are personally demonstrating the behaviours that you want others to display.

Look for ambassadors within your organisation, people who  believe in your change and are also influential. These people don’t have to be the Managers, just people that the employees respect, the kind of people that others seek out for advice and guidance. Identify these influencers and bring them into the Leadership inner circle for the duration of the change process. Get them to believe and they will help others to do so as well. 

When the tide rises some people drown while others surf. This economic revision will bring a lot of change to the business world but change doesn’t have to be bad. While some companies will fail others will soar to new heights. The difference will be down to the quality of Leadership those companies possess.

About the Author

A strong believer in taking complex leadership & psychological theories and making them accessible to people regardless of their background, education or industry Mark has helped develop Leaders from some of the Asia-Pacific region’s top organisations such as Amnesty International, NZ Red Cross, Habitat, Heartland Bank, the NZ Rugby League, the Blues, the Catholic Church, Weta workshops and many more.

Are you a manager struggling with poor-performing staff, team motivation, or effective delegation? As an experienced leadership Coach with over 30 thirty years managerial experience Mark Wager specialises in helping managers like you tackle these challenges head-on. Imagine transforming your team’s performance, boosting morale, and mastering delegation, so you’re not shouldering all the work. With tailored strategies and personalised support, Mark will empower you to lead with confidence and ease. 

Work together to unlock your full potential and create a thriving, productive workplace. Reach out today and take the first step towards exceptional leadership. Contact Mark for a free 30 minute strategy session 

Posted: Friday 2 August 2024

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