Australasian Leadership Institute Free Articles : January 2016


I am a former Broker Sales Manager and an Operations Manager who is now working as a leadership coach, consultant and strategist across four key areas:

  • Leadership of successful teams
  • Optimisation of mental performance 
  • Leadership psychology
  • High performing teams

Within these areas, I design, coach and facilitate bespoke leadership development programmes for individuals and teams including managers of all levels, directors, executives, professional athletes and aspiring leaders. My clients include the Delegates of the European Union, The Fred Hollows Foundation in Timor-Leste, the Fiji Sun newspaper, Lakes DHB, Kmart and Foodstuffs.

I am listed by Evan Carmichael as one of the top 100 leadership experts in the world to follow on Twitter.

When I design leadership programmes I draw from my twenty five years of managerial experience across a range of industries in the United Kingdom and here in New Zealand. I am accepted in the MBTI suite of tools and I am a professional member of NZAPT (New Zealand Association of Psychological Type) NZIM (New Zealand Institute of Management) and NZATD (New Zealand Association of Training & Development). I am a published author of two leadership books and I've had articles published in a range of magazines including Lifestyle for Men Magazine, M2, New Zealand Management Magazine as well as having a weekly business column with the Fiji Sun Newspaper. I am the current editor of Elite Leadership magazine.

If you want practical effective coaching and facilitation based on a foundation of modern leadership theories then get in touch via Twitter, the enquiry form below or call me direct on 021 354 831 (New Zealand)

View Mark Wager's profile on LinkedIn

  • Mistakes to Avoid When Applying For A Job
    Finding that perfect job is difficult. In fact finding any job can be difficult in this tight job market. Is there anything you can do to change things so the odds are in your favour? What can you do to avoid getting that dreaded standard email saying "thank for your interest but you were not shortlisted."
    Posted: Monday 25 January 2016
  • Seven Steps To Turn a Underperforming Team into a Performing Team
    Taking over as a leader of any team can be a daunting task, yet if the team is an underperforming team, the task is monumental. When a team is underperforming it's usually because there has been a lack of effective leadership over a period of time which has led to a series of bad habits within the team. Yet this presents an opportunity for you to shine & demonstrate your leadership skills.
    Posted: Tuesday 19 January 2016 , 1 Comments
  • The Leadership Octagon
    There have been many occasions when I've coached good leaders who turned into world class leaders. It's a difficult journey since world class leadership has different aspects and people find some aspects more comfortable than others. In total there are eight sides to world class leadership and the key is to be aware of all these sides so you know where you need to focus your development and when you have mastered all eight sides you will become a world class leader.
    Posted: Monday 11 January 2016
  • How To Deal With Your Inner Critic
    It all starts with a whisper. You start to feel a sense of self doubt. Maybe you are being a bit ambitious, maybe you are overestimating your abilities. The whisper turns into a clear voice. It tells you that "this always happens to you, you are just unlucky, don't aim so high. At first you ignore the voice but the familiarity of the words resonate with you. The words carry a lot of weight because they come from a familiar voice, the voice is yours. Your inner critic has spoken.
    Posted: Wednesday 6 January 2016
  • How To Make Your New Year Resolutions Work
    The new year brings with it new opportunities and it's that time of the year that people traditionally put together their new year resolutions in a list of changes that they want to make to their lives. Some people have personal resolutions such as losing weight, or starting a new relationship or business while others have professional resolutions such as getting a promotion. Whatever the resolution, people make commitments to themselves to change their lives for the better.
    Posted: Monday 4 January 2016