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Welcome to My Leadership and Mindset Blog

With over 34 years of experience in leadership, I’ve had the privilege of working with leaders and organisations internationally, helping them unlock their potential, overcome challenges, and achieve exceptional results. Recognised as one of the world’s top leadership experts, I’ve authored 12 books on leadership and mindset, sharing the strategies and insights that have transformed individuals and teams around the globe.

This blog is where I share practical insights, proven techniques, and timeless lessons to help you navigate the challenges of leadership and elevate your performance. Whether you’re an experienced executive or stepping into a leadership role for the first time, you’ll find valuable advice here to guide your journey.

If you’re ready to take the next step and bring meaningful change to your team or organisation, I offer:

• One-on-one coaching tailored to your unique leadership challenges.

• In-house leadership training designed to create high-performing, purpose-driven teams.

Get in touch today, and let’s work together to make your leadership vision a reality.

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  • What It’s Important For Managers To Listen To Their Team
    The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. - Ralph Nichols
    Posted: Friday 28 October 2022
  • How To Lead A Winning Sports Team
    Over the years I’ve coached Leaders in many different industries and I’ve learnt that there’s never a unilateral approach that works. Every industry and every country brings its own unique challenges and Leaders need to be able to adapt in order to build a winning team.
    Posted: Wednesday 5 October 2022
  • Are You A Boss Or A Leader by Mark Wager
    If you find yourself in a position in which you have responsibility of a team then you need to decide which one you want to become, a Boss or a Leader because they are very different. A Boss is an outdated philosophy that was effective in the past but in modern workplaces it’s an approach that can cause unnecessary disruption and discontent. In order to become successful a team requires a Leader and not a Boss so it’s important that people fully understand the differences between the two
    Posted: Tuesday 4 October 2022
  • Five Ways To Inspire Your Team
    The aim of every leader is to inspire greatness in others, there’s many leaders who tell you what to do but there’s not many who are able to inspire you to become a better version of yourself but when you meet those leaders their memory stays with you, the feeling of empowerment, self belief and loyalty that was instilled into you.
    Posted: Monday 3 October 2022
  • How Your Business Can Break Through Barriers
    Everyone who has business regardless of whether it’s a start-up or has been around for generations, share the same vision. They want the business to grow and get bigger and better but there are always barriers in the way. The barriers that stand between where a business is today and where it wants to be are many and varied.
    Posted: Wednesday 17 August 2022
  • How To Stay Authentic When Leading
    Whenever someone moves into a Leadership role, their aim, whether they are aware of it or not, is to stay authentic and not allowing the new role to change them and to lead people while staying true to themselves.
    Posted: Tuesday 16 August 2022
  • How To Improve Communication In The Workplace
    One of my favourite quotes is by playwright George Bernard Shaw who once said “The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” I love this quote so much because It perfectly describes what happens in workplaces everywhere. I see people who believe they are communicating with each other but in reality everyone is talking and no one is listening
    Posted: Monday 15 August 2022
  • How To Start Saying No At Work
    Last week I was training a new Leader with a common problem. Whenever her Boss gave her more work she struggled to say “no” and as a result she now has way too much work on her desk so she’s working longer hours and she’s so stressed that she’s considering leaving
    Posted: Friday 12 August 2022
  • How To Influence People In Business
    Success is never a singular effort, success demands that you are able to influence those around you whether it’s your Boss, co-workers or clients. It doesn’t matter how good you are you will find many barriers standing between you and success and those barriers will remain unless you can persuade people to help you on your journey
    Posted: Thursday 11 August 2022
  • Business Lessons From The All Blacks Decline
    You can find valuable lessons in successful teams but you can also find equally valuable lessons in teams that are failing and unfortunately at the moment by anyone’s standards the All Blacks are failing. At the time of writing this article they have lost five of the last six games and have a world ranking of 5th, the lowest since the ranking system began and it’s likely to get worse, a lot worse
    Posted: Wednesday 10 August 2022
  • How To Effectively Receive Feedback
    In order to be successful in the business world, both as an individual and as an organisation, you need to be able to constantly improve and the best way to identify the necessary areas of improvement is by receiving feedback. This isn’t always as easy as it may initially seem. It’s a challenge to get quality feedback and then sorting through that feedback in order to ensure you are working on the right areas, the ones that will help you progress your career which is why, in this week’s article
    Posted: Monday 13 June 2022
  • The Secret of The Top Performers On Wall Street
    Wall Street in the United States is the financial Centre of the world. It’s the home to the New York Stock Exchange as well as NASDAQ and the people who work on Wall Street, especially the traders, are expected to operate at a very high level of performance, in roles where a good decision could make their company millions while bad decisions could detrimentally impact the future of businesses
    Posted: Friday 10 June 2022
  • The 4 Fundamental Duties Of A Leader
    When you are in a managerial role, you typically have to perform the duties of both a Manager and that of a Leader. They are very different yet specific duties and you need to be able to complete both if you want to be successful.
    Posted: Thursday 9 June 2022
  • Are You Achieving Your Full Potential
    Do you feel like you could be doing more? Maybe you are looking at people who are in more senior positions than you at work and you feel that it could be you. Maybe your business is doing well but it’s not doing great. It’s okay to have that feeling of wanting more, more money, more success or a more rewarding career. What you really want is to fulfil your full potential. The question is how?
    Posted: Wednesday 8 June 2022
  • How To Change Someone’s Behaviour
    One of the most challenging aspects of Leadership is the ability to change someone’s behaviour at work. Whenever you have someone within your team who is not demonstrating the correct behaviours, whether it’s their poor attitude or repeated mistakes that are having a detrimental impact on the team, it’s ultimately the responsibility of the Leader to intervene.
    Posted: Wednesday 11 May 2022
  • 5 Tips To Become More Successful
    Everyone’s journey is unique and requires very specific advice and guidance but there are some general tips that will apply to everyone and in this week’s article I want to share those tips with you so that you too can become successful.
    Posted: Tuesday 10 May 2022
  • How To Lead When So Many People Are Absent From Work
    The coronavirus pandemic has hit the business world hard with not only losses in revenue but also with its levels of staffing due to so many people being sick and unable to work and it’s this area that I want to discuss this week. I’ve recently had several Managers contact me for advice on this problem. They have the vast majority of their team off sick and they wanted to know how to lead their team or what’s left of it during these difficult times
    Posted: Wednesday 20 April 2022
  • Five Ways To Become An Authentic Leader
    The best leaders are authentic leaders, people whose inner compass guides their daily actions and enables them to earn the trust of their team and their colleagues. Forbes magazine described authentic leaders as people who are self-aware of their strengths, their weaknesses and their emotions and they show their real selves when interacting with their followers. These are the type of Leaders that people want to follow and people strive to become but it’s not easy to be authentic.
    Posted: Wednesday 13 April 2022
  • Why Leaders Need People To Disagree With Them
    I was working with a company last week where both the Manager and the team weren’t happy with each other. The team felt that the Manager wasn’t listening to them and wasn’t even interested in their opinions while the Manager felt that these accusations were silly because he actually thought the opposite was true.
    Posted: Wednesday 6 April 2022
  • Why Leadership Is About Serving Others & Not Others Serving You
    A common complaint I hear from workplaces is that the Manger in charge is too authoritarian, telling people what to do rather than asking them, taking credit for other peoples’ good work while at the same time distributing blame whenever anything goes wrong. Ultimately this kind of Boss places their own personal interests ahead of those of the team which is unfortunate because this behaviour is the complete opposite of what Leadership is meant to be about.
    Posted: Monday 4 April 2022

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