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Welcome to My Leadership and Mindset Blog

With over 34 years of experience in leadership, I’ve had the privilege of working with leaders and organisations internationally, helping them unlock their potential, overcome challenges, and achieve exceptional results. Recognised as one of the world’s top leadership experts, I’ve authored 12 books on leadership and mindset, sharing the strategies and insights that have transformed individuals and teams around the globe.

This blog is where I share practical insights, proven techniques, and timeless lessons to help you navigate the challenges of leadership and elevate your performance. Whether you’re an experienced executive or stepping into a leadership role for the first time, you’ll find valuable advice here to guide your journey.

If you’re ready to take the next step and bring meaningful change to your team or organisation, I offer:

• One-on-one coaching tailored to your unique leadership challenges.

• In-house leadership training designed to create high-performing, purpose-driven teams.

Get in touch today, and let’s work together to make your leadership vision a reality.

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  • Leadership Skills: How To Become An Effective Storyteller
    Throughout history and across civilisations people have shared stories. It’s been a mechanism to share experiences, ideas and provides people with an opportunity to explore what is right and what is wrong. Leaders are now utilising the power of storytelling to inspire and motive their teams, portray a shared vision and highlight the desired culture and values of the organisation and companies are starting to see the benefits of storytelling.
    Posted: Thursday 11 June 2020
  • How To Rediscover Your Confidence
    Life brings with it a series of setbacks, whether it is losing your job, seeing your business close down or any number of failures that damage your confidence. Life is easy when things are going well but it is during our darkest times that we are truly tested and it is in these times that winners are made.
    Posted: Thursday 21 May 2020
  • How To Spot An Insecure Manager
    There are many reasons why a Manger can fail as a Leader and in this weeks article I want to explore one of the most common which is insecurity and here’s how to spot if you are working for an insecure Manager.
    Posted: Wednesday 6 May 2020
  • Do Women Make Better Leaders Than Men?
    I was asked a very interesting question this week which was Do women make better leaders than men? This question was as a result of a client of mine reading an opinion piece by Leta Hong Fincher for CNN in which she explored how countries like Germany, Taiwan, Finland, Iceland and New Zealand have successfully dealt with the coronavirus outbreak and highlighted that these countries have one thing in common, they are all led by women. So do women make better leaders than men? Well! in this weeks article I will explore this emotive topic
    Posted: Wednesday 29 April 2020
  • How To Lead Post Covid-19
    In this time of uncertainty the only thing we can count on happening is that the pandemic will pass and when it does how will it’s impact have changed the world and what does his mean for Leaders who have to navigate this new world over.
    Posted: Friday 24 April 2020
  • Why Some People Cant Follow Simple Instructions
    While countries have experienced different levels of success while dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, their approach has been consistent. All around the world Governments have been asking people to social distance and in many cases self-isolate. It's a very simple instruction in order to save lives . All people have to do is to stay home yet what is also apparent is that there are some people who are incapable of following this simple instruction. This is not just a problem for a particular country. It's becoming a serious problem worldwide.
    Posted: Tuesday 14 April 2020
  • Six Ways To Work Effectively From Home
    As a Leadership Coach I work a lot from home doing my coaching sessions with Leaders mostly via Skype or on the phone. At first it was a difficult transition for someone who has spent his whole career in a traditional office workspace so I thought this week I should share some practical tips on how you can easily manage this transition
    Posted: Wednesday 8 April 2020
  • Leading a Business Through a Recession
    In this time of uncertainty there is one thing that is absolutely certain and that is we are about to face an economic recession. In addition to the thousands of lives that the coronavirus pandemic has already taken, the economic damage is extensive. The necessary actions taken by Governments worldwide in order to reduce the spread of the virus, including closing businesses, gatherings and in addition to the sense of fear that most of us face, has meant that many businesses have been unable to continue and have permanently closed or are thinking about closing and it’s only going to get worse.
    Posted: Friday 3 April 2020
  • Leading With Confidence During Times of Uncertainty
    The Coronavirus pandemic is truly testing the Leadership decisions of many world leaders where the virus has not only resulted in the deaths of thousands of people but has caused economic damage which will be felt for many years in the future.
    Posted: Friday 27 March 2020
  • The Mindset of Highly Successful People
    In this weeks article I want to talk about the mindset of highly successful people. I’ve coached a range of people from many different industries and countries and I’ve noticed a consistent pattern in behaviour with my most successful clients. They tend to approach situations differently, they think differently- let me tell you how.
    Posted: Thursday 19 March 2020
  • Why You Should Never Win At All Costs
    Leaders are typically judged by results, whether it’s achieving the necessary sales targets, manufacturing a certain amount of products or even winning on the scoreboard it’s all about the end result. This is completely understandable because businesses exist to make money, non-profits exist in order to make a difference in society, sports teams exist in order to win yet when the end result becomes the sole focus of the Leader, this can encourage a winning at all costs mentality and eventually nothing else matters but the win. Unfortunately when this happens the Leader becomes unaware that regardless of the result they have already lost as a Leader.
    Posted: Monday 16 March 2020
  • Dealing With Self-Doubt At Work
    Have you ever been in a situation at work, when you feel you are not good enough in the Leadership role you are in? Do you feel that any success you have achieved is the result of luck? Do you feel that one day your Boss and co-workers will realise that you are not good enough? Do you feel that you only received your job or promotion because the company was short on candidates? Do you feel that the praise you receive at work is not deserved?
    Posted: Thursday 5 March 2020
  • How To Turn A Good Team Into A Great Team
    It is quite easy to make a good team yet making a great team is far more difficult which makes my job very interesting because this is the most common query I receive. Leaders contact me and want to know how to turn a good team into a great team - in this article is my advice
    Posted: Monday 2 March 2020
  • The 5 Essential Lessons Of Leadership
    There’s been a lot said about Leadership,. Just to give you an idea of how much there is out there, on average there are four to five books published every day. There’s not enough time in a day to read five books so no matter what a Leader does they will not be able to keep up to date with what people are saying about how to be an effective leader. So this week I want to help you out by highlighting the most essential lessons that every Leader needs to embrace on a daily basis.
    Posted: Thursday 20 February 2020
  • What To Do When People Make A Mistake
    No matter how hard people work, no matter how much preparation or training has been done, mistakes will always occur. No one comes to work to do a bad job but these days, it’s up to the Leader to talk to the employee about the what went wrong and what needs to happen in order to ensure that the same mistake doesn’t recur
    Posted: Monday 17 February 2020 , 1 Comments
  • Who Is The Real Leader In Your Team?
    Have you ever felt that you were a Leader in name only and it’s someone else that is really leading the team? If so then this article is for you
    Posted: Thursday 13 February 2020
  • How To Get Your Dream Job
    Life is too short to be in a job that you don’t like. In this weeks article I explore some practical tips that will help you get that dream job
    Posted: Monday 10 February 2020
  • Four Ways To Negotiate A Better Deal
    If you want to be successful in business or in your career then you need to know how to negotiate, whether you are trying to negotiate a deal with a supplier or wanting to get a pay rise you need to know how to ask people in a way that makes them more likely to say yes to what you want. The art of negotiation is a complex one but in this week’s article I want to share with you some practical tips that will help you get what you want.
    Posted: Thursday 6 February 2020
  • Why Smart People Make Bad Decisions
    Have you ever been In a room with a group of people who you believed to be smart but they end up making very stupid decisions? This week I want to explore the psychology behind why smart people make bad decisions
    Posted: Monday 3 February 2020
  • How To Get Your Boss To Give You More Staff
    It’s a situation that many Leaders find themselves in - they just don’t have enough staff. If you have tried to get your boss to give you more staff and it hasn’t worked then this article is for you
    Posted: Monday 20 January 2020

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