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Welcome to My Leadership and Mindset Blog

With over 34 years of experience in leadership, I’ve had the privilege of working with leaders and organisations internationally, helping them unlock their potential, overcome challenges, and achieve exceptional results. Recognised as one of the world’s top leadership experts, I’ve authored 12 books on leadership and mindset, sharing the strategies and insights that have transformed individuals and teams around the globe.

This blog is where I share practical insights, proven techniques, and timeless lessons to help you navigate the challenges of leadership and elevate your performance. Whether you’re an experienced executive or stepping into a leadership role for the first time, you’ll find valuable advice here to guide your journey.

If you’re ready to take the next step and bring meaningful change to your team or organisation, I offer:

• One-on-one coaching tailored to your unique leadership challenges.

• In-house leadership training designed to create high-performing, purpose-driven teams.

Get in touch today, and let’s work together to make your leadership vision a reality.

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  • Teamwork Lessons From The Rugby World
    If you want to see the embodiment of a successful team then look no further than the rugby field. Rugby is a sport within which individual brilliance can only occur as a result of collective work. More than in any other team sport, in Rugby, victory can only be achieved if every member of the team is working together and while individual brilliance can impact a game this brilliance can't occur without the hard work of their colleagues. In Rugby success is truly a collective effort.
    Posted: Monday 4 April 2016
  • How To Ask For A Pay Rise
    I received a email recently which a lot of you will relate to. The email was from someone who had been in the same job for a while, enjoyed the role but during the past few years her workload has increased yet her salary remained the same. She wanted to stay in the role but felt undervalued and wanted to approach her boss for a pay-rise but wanted some guidance on how to do this. This article covers my response.
    Posted: Monday 28 March 2016
  • The Formula For Greatness
    We have all felt that special almost divine moment. That moment when we are performing a task and time melts away, minutes feel like seconds and seconds are nothing but a blink of an eye. We feel full immersion in a task to such a degree that the task is no longer a separate entity we are the task. We do not notice the world around us, distractions don't exist. All we feel is the marriage of excitement and energy. We are in the place where greatness exists.
    Posted: Monday 21 March 2016
  • The Survival Guide For New Managers
    The majority of good companies around the world offer training, guidance and coaching whenever anyone starts a new position. The idea that they wouldn't receive a thorough training is just inconceivable, yet this happens every single day. Whenever someone gets promoted to a new managerial role, it's rare that they receive the standard of support they need in order to succeed so you see many good people struggle in managerial roles because they are just thrown into the role.
    Posted: Monday 14 March 2016
  • Social Media Marketing Lessons From Deadpool
    Viral marketing is when an advertising campaign is launched on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc and is so popular that the audience shares the campaign thus spreading like a "virus" hence the term viral marketing. This is the greatest aim of any marketing campaign as it's the audience of the product who is spreading the campaign effectively turning into brand ambassadors and offering the product more legitimacy and increasing brand awareness and sales
    Posted: Monday 7 March 2016
  • Finding The Courage To Rebuild
    This last week has been tough for everyone in Fiji. We've all seen the pictures. Many people have been impacted and if you are one of those people whose business has been impacted and you are facing the harsh reality that you have to rebuild your business under such challenging circumstances, then this article is for you.
    Posted: Sunday 28 February 2016
  • Are You a Leader or A Manager?
    The discussion about whether it’s better to be a Manager or a Leader is continuing in offices around the world. Some people think strong management is the key to a successful company while others are of the opinion that leadership is the key to success. You see some debating that management is old-fashioned and an outdated concept yet some people think leadership is all about inspiration and contains little substance.
    Posted: Monday 22 February 2016
  • How To Make Good People Great
    People will work hard for you, in my experience the majority of people go to work in order to do a good job yet despite how hard they work for you they will work even harder for themselves. In order to reach their own dream people will sweat blood and tears and go far farther than they ever imagined possible. It's amazing how many times I see limitations smashed when what a person wants is on the other side of that limitation.
    Posted: Monday 8 February 2016
  • Leadership Lessons From Pep Guardiola
    The career of Pep Guardiola is a catalogue of success both as a player and as a coach. While he was a player, Pep Guardiola played forty seven times for Spain and won seventeen trophies including the European Cup and six national championships with FC Barcelona. When he became a coach the trophies continued with three more Spanish league titles, again with Barcelona and two champions league trophies among his collection of seventeen trophies gained as a coach.
    Posted: Wednesday 3 February 2016
  • Four Ways To Be More Productive
    Work is busy. The paperwork on your desk is stacked high. As soon as you put the phone down, it rings again and when you eventually get to your emails you see nothing but a screen of unopened messages. So you work harder, you work longer and when you do clear your work and meet your targets, your boss turns around and says thank you and as a reward he gives you even more work! Sounds familiar?
    Posted: Monday 1 February 2016
  • Mistakes to Avoid When Applying For A Job
    Finding that perfect job is difficult. In fact finding any job can be difficult in this tight job market. Is there anything you can do to change things so the odds are in your favour? What can you do to avoid getting that dreaded standard email saying "thank for your interest but you were not shortlisted."
    Posted: Monday 25 January 2016
  • Seven Steps To Turn a Underperforming Team into a Performing Team
    Taking over as a leader of any team can be a daunting task, yet if the team is an underperforming team, the task is monumental. When a team is underperforming it's usually because there has been a lack of effective leadership over a period of time which has led to a series of bad habits within the team. Yet this presents an opportunity for you to shine & demonstrate your leadership skills.
    Posted: Tuesday 19 January 2016 , 1 Comments
  • The Leadership Octagon
    There have been many occasions when I've coached good leaders who turned into world class leaders. It's a difficult journey since world class leadership has different aspects and people find some aspects more comfortable than others. In total there are eight sides to world class leadership and the key is to be aware of all these sides so you know where you need to focus your development and when you have mastered all eight sides you will become a world class leader.
    Posted: Monday 11 January 2016
  • How To Deal With Your Inner Critic
    It all starts with a whisper. You start to feel a sense of self doubt. Maybe you are being a bit ambitious, maybe you are overestimating your abilities. The whisper turns into a clear voice. It tells you that "this always happens to you, you are just unlucky, don't aim so high. At first you ignore the voice but the familiarity of the words resonate with you. The words carry a lot of weight because they come from a familiar voice, the voice is yours. Your inner critic has spoken.
    Posted: Wednesday 6 January 2016
  • How To Make Your New Year Resolutions Work
    The new year brings with it new opportunities and it's that time of the year that people traditionally put together their new year resolutions in a list of changes that they want to make to their lives. Some people have personal resolutions such as losing weight, or starting a new relationship or business while others have professional resolutions such as getting a promotion. Whatever the resolution, people make commitments to themselves to change their lives for the better.
    Posted: Monday 4 January 2016
  • Business Lessons From  The UFC
    Today the UFC is the fastest growing sport in history with pay per view buys that are greater than boxing and wrestling combined. They have expanded all across the globe with their shows seen in over 150 countries and in 22 languages. The story of the UFC is a remarkable example of a business turnaround from being banned and bankrupt to becoming an international billion dollar industry. In this story are lessons in business that can help anyone who wants to be successful.
    Posted: Monday 28 December 2015
  • Why Do Some Leaders Cling Onto Power?
    I recently wrote an article on the dark side of leadership. In the article I explored how the power that comes with leadership can be so tempting that leaders hold on to power when the true purpose of leadership is to share power. I used the example of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus who took charge in order to save Rome and once it was saved he handed the power back and returned to his normal life. He didn't do this once he did this twice.
    Posted: Monday 21 December 2015
  • What Is Your Leadership Legacy?
    If you are reading this article then there's a high probability that you are a leader. You have already made the decision to influence people, to inspire people to become better as individuals and as part of a wider team. At the end of the day how will you be measured as a leader? Will it be by how much profit you made for your organisation, how many products you produce or awards that you receive?
    Posted: Monday 14 December 2015
  • Common Myths About Entrepreneurship
    The lifestyle of an entrepreneur is a tempting one. I should know as I'm an entrepreneur myself. I took the step of moving away from a safe but dull full time job and into the world of entrepreneurship. I created my own leadership development business and I started travelling around the Asia Pacific region delivering workshops showing people techniques and strategies in order to become inspirational leaders. It's a great life but it's a life full of misconceptions and myths.
    Posted: Monday 7 December 2015
  • How To Set Goals That Work
    It is universally accepted that goals form an important part of success. You can't walk into a workplace without some goals bring plastered on a wall somewhere Each employee will most likely have a set of individual goals as well as those set by their boss. When work ends, many people go home to a set of other goals, this time life goals. Whether they are documented or not, goals are everywhere yet the majority of goals are unrealistic.
    Posted: Monday 30 November 2015

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